Introducing Trinity’s Communications Advisory Group

In August 2018 we mentioned that we would be creating a multi-constituency Communications Advisory Group to help improve internal communications at the college. We’re pleased to announce this year’s members, and we’re grateful for the experience and perspective that each member brings to the group.

2019–20 Members

Angela Paik Schaeffer (chair)
Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Donna Ciarfella
Associate Director of Human Resources

Erica Crowley
Communications and Data Assistant, CHER

Monique Daley
Training and Program Coordinator, WGRAC

Stephen Donovan
Director of Alumni Relations

Chuck Fedolfi
Director of Development

Dania Field
Associate Director of Intersession Programs and Special Assistant for Strategic Initiatives

Megan Fitzsimmons
Director of College Events and Conferences

Jody Goodman
Assistant Dean of Students

Christopher Hoag
George M. Ferris Associate Professor of Corporation Finance and Investments

Marcia Phelan Johnson
Budget Director

Jason B. Jones
Director of Research, Instruction, and Technology

Karolina Kwiecinska ’16
Special Assistant to the Vice President for External Relations

Trinna Larsen ’20
President, SGA

Jennifer Regan-Lefebvre
Associate Professor of History and Faculty Director for Innovation Initiatives

Teresita Romero
Program Coordinator for Graduate Studies and Lifelong Learning

Kyle Smith ’05
Associate Director of Admissions

Jack Stone ’22
Vice President and Communications Chair, SGA

Joelle Thomas
User Engagement Librarian

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