Results from the Campus Communications Survey

Early in October, the Office of Communications and the college’s Communications Advisory Group (CAG) sent a campuswide communications survey to help us understand people’s preferences for receiving information related to life on campus. As promised, we’re sharing the aggregated results.

Summary of Results

We received a total of 360 responses. Almost all of them—356—came as a result of emailing the survey to the campus, and four were the result of distributing the survey link via a story on the college’s Instagram account. Of those responses, 51 percent came from students, 34 percent came from staff, and 15 percent came from faculty.

It is clear to us that the most valuable information to the community is information about events on campus. Approximately 85 percent of respondents indicated this to be the information they are “very interested” in knowing about.

The preferred method for receiving information is by email. At 77 percent, this preference eclipsed things like information delivered by a mobile app (25 percent) and some interest in having information delivered by social media (43 percent). We are certainly a campus that loves email!

The frequency of information delivery also came with a strong sentiment: 52 percent of respondents prefer their information delivered every day.

Many respondents took the time to leave thoughtful and important opinions as open-ended comments. The Communications Office and CAG are poring over these, and combined with the survey results, we have useful data to inform how we build a system to deliver information to the campus.

Explore the Data

Follow this link to explore the data for yourself. If you have questions or thoughts, please be in touch. We’d love to hear from you.



Photo by aitoff on Pixabay

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