Tag archives for Henry DePhillips

Meet Some of Trinity College’s Faculty and Staff Athletes

There is much more going on in the lives of Trinity College’s high-achieving scholars, teachers, and staff members than what students and colleagues see in the office or the classroom. These men and women are also athletes whose physical feats include everything from years of casual tennis to grueling 140.6-mile Ironman Triathlons. Below, some of […]

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Henry DePhillips and Undergraduate Students Use Cutting-Edge Chemistry to Analyze Art

Henry DePhillips, Vernon K. Krieble Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, has been retired for almost three years, but his pace has hardly slowed. He still has a lab and office on campus and still works with students in the field of conservation science. Now, with the support of the Dreyfus Foundation’s Senior Scientist Mentor Program, DePhillips […]

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