Prescription stimulant research

We are recruiting for the Social, Personal, and Academic College Experiences Study (SPACES). We are seeking students who have a prescription for a stimulant medication like Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, or Ritalin for a study designed to learn more about their experiences in college. You can access the study’s screening survey here to see if you are eligible to participate. Study participation is completely remote. It involves one Zoom session (approximately 75-90 minutes) in which you will complete an online survey and view a web-based presentation; brief 1- and 2- month online check-ins lasting approximately 10 minutes each; and two online follow-up surveys 3 and 6 months after the Zoom session, each lasting approximately 45 minutes. You can earn up to $100 in e-gift cards for participating.


In 2016-17, we conducted a study of students with ADHD and prescriptions for stimulant drugs. Our findings were recently published in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors! Follow this link to access the article. Below, Paige Marut ’17 shares some of the key findings in her poster at Trinity’s Research Symposium (May 2017):


In 2017-18, we collaborated with researchers at the University of Wyoming and Texas State University to evaluate the efficacy of different refusal strategies students with ADHD might employ if approached for their medication. Below, Eliza Marsh ’18 shares some of the key findings in her poster at Trinity’s Research Symposium (May 2018). Our findings were recently published in the Journal of American College Health.

In 2018-19, we conducted a nationwide study of college graduates who reported misusing prescription stimulants at some point in college. We were interested in learning which individual, interpersonal, and sociocultural factors were predictive of continued prescription stimulant misuse after college. Below, Megan McCarthy ’19 presents some of our key findings at Trinity’s Research Symposium (May 2019). Our findings were published in 2020 in Substance Use and Misuse.
