If you are considering a career in Clinical Psychology or another mental health field, please reach out to me or my Psychology Department colleagues early in your Trinity career so that we can assist you in finding experiences that will help you to refine your interests and to become a competitive candidate!
See this document for excellent and up-to-date advice on the following topics:
- how are do subfields of Psychology differ from one another and from other human service fields (e.g., social work, marriage and family therapy)?
- how can i best prepare for a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology?
- how can i best prepare for a graduate school interview?
- what can i expect if i go to graduate school for clinical psychology?
The American Psychological Association has a free, comprehensive video series “Becoming a Psychological Scientist”. You can find a link to the videos here. The accompanying handouts provide excellent examples of how to structure your CV, how to request letters of recommendation, and the types of questions you can expect in graduate school interviews.
Consult these publications as well. They provide excellent information on individual graduate school programs and tips for preparing and strengthening your application.