How to request Trinity Data from Office of Institutional Research

Do you plan to use individually-identifiable data about Trinity students, alumni, faculty, or staff, provided by the Office of Institutional Research (OIR)?​

Examples of YES:

      • ​individual data that Trinity College has previously collected
      • online surveys that you need OIR to send to specific people at Trinity
      • interview invitations that you need OIR to send to specific people at Trinity

Examples of NO:

      • aggregated (grouped) data, that cannot be traced back to individuals
      • masked data, where someone has already removed individual identifiers
      • data that has already been provided to you by another office at Trinity
      • surveys or interview invitations that you will send to people at Trinity

If YES, then follow these steps before submitting your Trinity IRB application:

1) Learn more about Trinity’s Office of Institutional Research​​

2) Schedule a meeting with Trinity’s Director of Institutional Research to review your study design and discuss the availability of relevant data. Please budget sufficient time for this step, as it sometimes requires multiple meetings to finalize the data acquisition plan.
Director: Nancy Becerra-Cordoba
Office location: Admissions & Career Services Center 206

3) When completing your Trinity IRB online application, if you are asked, “Do you plan to use individually-identifiable data about Trinity students, alumni, faculty, or staff, provided by the Office of Institutional Research (OIR)?​ , select “Yes.” This will automatically send a copy of your application to OIR, and also your IRB approval letter, to authorize OIR to release the data to you.