Article Index for Ecological Psychology Volume 10 (1998)


Evolution of the modern face: Aesthetic and attributive judgments of a female profile warped along a continuum of paedomorphic to late Archaic craniofacial structure
Coss, R. G. & Schowengerdt, B. T.

Visual guidance of goal-oriented locomotor displacements: the example of ball interception tasks
Montagne, G., Laurent, M. & Durey, A.

The ontology of mutualism
Still, A. & Good, J.


Visual Influences on Center of Pressure Dynamics in Upright Posture
M. A. Riley, R. Balasubramaniam, S. Mitra, and M. T. Turvey

Perceiving the severity of contacts between two objects
N-G. Kim, J. A. Effken, and C. Carello.

Optical Specification of Time to Contact for a Spectator
N-G. Kim, J. A. Effken, and C. Carello


Special Issue: Visually controlled locomotion and orientation
Guest Editor: William H. Warren, Jr.

Introduction: Visually controlled locomotion and orientation
Eleanor J. Gibson

Visually controlled locomotion and visual orientation in animals
James J. Gibson

Visually controlled locomotion: 40 years later
William H. Warren, Jr.

Guiding movement by coupling taus
David N. Lee

Insects as Gibsonian animals
Mandyam Srinivasan

Visually controlled locomotion: Its dependence on optic flow, three-dimensional space perception, and cognition
Jack M. Loomis and Andrew C. Beall

How is human gait controlled by vision?
Aftab E. Patla

Development of visually guided locomotion
Karen E. Adolph and Marion A. Eppler

Action-perception patterns emerge from coupling and adaptation
Gregor Sch–ner, T. M. H. Dijkstra, and J. J. Jeka