Author Index for Ecological Psychology Volumes 1 – 5 (1989 – 1993)

The first number after a title is the volume number and the second is the page number.


Alexandrov, Y. and Jarvilehto, T.-Activity Versus Reactivity in Psychology and Neurophysiology 5, 85.

Bahrick, L. E.-see Walker-Andrews, A.
Bakker, F. C. -see Bootsma, R. J.
Balliett, J. A. -see Mark, L. S.
Beek, P. J.-Timing and Phase Locking in Cascade Juggling I, 55.
Beek, P. J., Turvey, M. T., & Schmidt, R. C.-Autonomous and Nonautonomous Dynamics of Coordinated Rhythmic Movements 4,65
Berry, D. S.-Child and Adult Sensitivity to Gender Information in Patterns of Facial Motion 3, 349
Berry, D. S., & Springer, K.-Structure, Motion, and Preschoolers’ Perceptions of Social Causality 5, 273
Bingham, G. P.-Scaling Judgments and Lifted Weight: Lifter Size and the Role of the Standard 5, 31
Bingham, G. P. -The Implications of Ocular Occlusion 5, 235
Bootsma, R. J., Bakker, F. C., van Snippenberg, F. J., & Tdlohreg, C. W.-The Effects of Anxiety on Perceiving the Reachability of Passing Objects 4, 1
Börjesson, E. -see Johansson, G.
Burton, G.-Non-Neural Extensions of Haptic Sensitivity 5, 105
Burton, G., & Turvey, M. T. -Perceiving the Lengths of Rods That Are Held But Not Wielded 2, 295
Burton, G.-see Solomon, H. Y.

Cabe, P. A., & Pittenger, J. B.-Time-to-Topple: Haptic Angular Tau 4, 241.
Carello, C., Grosofsky, A., Reichel, F. D., Solomon, H. Y., & Turvey, M. T.-Visually Perceiving What Is Reachable . 1, 27.
Carello, C., Grosofsky, A., Shaw, R. E., Pittenger, J. B., & Mark, L. S.-Attractiveness of Facial Profiles Is a Function of Distance From Archetype 1, 27
Carello, C-see, Chan, T.-C.
Chan, T.-C., Carello, C., & Turvey, M. T.-Perceiving Object Width by Grasping 2, 1
Coss, R. G.-Context and Animal Behavior III: The Relationship Between Early Development and Evolutionary Persistence of Ground Squirrel Antisnake Behavior 3, 277.
Coss, R. G., & Moore, M.-All That Glistens: Water Connotations in Surface Finishes 2, 367.
Coss, R. G.-see Owings, D. H.
Craver, K. D.-see Mark, L.S.

Davis, G. -see Sidaway, B.
Deffenbacher, K. A.-see Hoffman, R. R.
Diaz, I.-see Walker-Andrews, A.
Diehl, R. L., & Kluender, K. R.-On the Objects of Speech Perception 1, 121.
Diehl, R. L., & Kluender, K. R.- Reply to Commentators 1, 195.
Douglas, S. D.-see Mark, L. S.
Dunbar, C.-see Pufall, P. B.

Flach, J. M.-Control With an Eye for Perception: Precursors tO an Active Psychophysics 2, 83.
Flach, J. M.-The Ecology of Human-Machine Systems I: Introduction 2, 191
Fowler, C. A.-Real Objects of Speech Perception: A Commentary on Diehl and Kluender 1, 145.
Fox, T.-see Mark, L. S.

Gaver, W. W.-What in the World Do We Hear?: An Ecological Approach to Auditory Event Perception 5, 1
Gaver, W. W.-How Do We Hear in the World?: Explorations in Ecological Acoustics 5, 285.
Gibson, E. J., & Schmuckler, M. A.-Going Somewhere: An Ecological and Experimental Approach to Development of Mobility I, 3.
Ginsburg, G. P., & Smith, D. L.-Exploration of the Detectable Structure of Social Episodes: The Parsing of Interaction Specimens 5, 195
Giorgi, R. -see Hagen, M. A.
Givner, D. A.-The Experience of Perception and Its Physical Basis as View of the Relation Between Perceiver and World Perceived 4, 97
Good, J. M. M.-see Valenti, S. S.
Gray, J. T., Neisser, U., Shapiro, B. A., & Kouns, S.- Observational Learning of Ballet Sequences: The Role of Kinematic Information 3, 121.
Green, C. D.-see Kennedy, J. M.
Grosofsky, A.-see Carello, C.
Grosofsky, A.-see Carello, C.

Hagen, M. A., & Giorgi, R.-Where’s the Camera? 5, 65.
Heft, H.-A Methodological Note on Overestimates of Reaching Distance: Distinguishing Between Perceptual and Analytical Judgments 5, 255.
Hoffman, R. R., & Deffenbacher, K. A.-An Analysis of the Relations Between Basic and Applied Psychology 5, 315.

Iberall, A. S.-Does Intention Have a Characteristic Fast Time Scale? 4, 39
Ito, H., & Matsunaga, K.-Relative Distance Perception Through Expanding and Contracting Motion and the Role of Propriospecific Information in Walking 2, 113

Jarvilehto, T.-see Alexandrov, Y.
Johansson, G., & Börjesson, E.-Toward a New Theory of Vision: Studies in Wide-Angle Space Perception 1, 301

Kano, C.-The Perception of Self-Motion Induced by Peripheral Visual Information in Sitting and Supine Postures 3, 241
Kennedy, J. M., Green, C. D., Nicholls, A., & Liu, C. H.-Illusions and Knowing What Is Real
Kennedy, J. M., & Portal, A.-Illusions: Can Change of Vantage Point and Invariant Impressions Remove Deception? 2, 37 .

Kinsella-Shaw, J. M., Shaw, B., & Turvey, M. T.- Perceiving “Walk-on-able” Slopes 4, 223
Kluender, K. R.-see Diehl, R. L.
Kluender, K. R.-see Diehl, R. L.
Kouns, S.-see Gray, J. T.
Kugler, P. N., Turvey, M. T., Schmidt, R. C., & Rosenblum, L. D.-Investigating a Nonconservative Invariant of Motion in Coordinated Rhythmic Movements 2, 151

Lickliter, R.-Context and Animal Behavior II: The Role of Conspecifics in Species-Typical Perceptual Development 3, 11.
Liu, C. H.-see Kennedy, J. M.
Loveland, K. A.-Social Affordances and Interaction II: Autism and the Affordances of the Human Environment 3, 99

Mark, L. S., Balliett, J. A., Craver, K. D., Douglas, S. D., & Fox, T.-What an Actor Must Do in Order to Perceive the Affordance for Sitting 2, 325
Mark, L. S.-see Carello, C.
Matsunaga, K.-see Ito, H.
McGowan, R. S.-see Shaw, B. K.
McNitt-Gray, J.-see Sidaway, B.
Michaels, C. F., & Oudejans, R. R. D.-The Optics and Actions of Catching Fly Balls: Zeroing Out Optical Acceleration 4, 199.
Montgomery, M.-see Reed, E. S.
Moore, M.-see Coss, R. G.
Munhall, K. G.-see Saltzman, E. L.

Neisser, U.-see Gray, J. T.
Nicholls, A.-see Kennedy, J. M.

Oudejans, R. R. D.-see Michaels, C. F.
Owings, D. H., & Coss, R. G.-Context and Animal Behavior I: Introduction and Review of Theoretical Issues 3, 1

Pagano, C., & Turvey, M. T.‹Perceiving by Dynamic Touch the Distances Reachable With Irregular Objects 5, 125
Palmer, C.-see Reed, E. S.
Pittenger, J. B.-Detection of Violations of the Law of Pendulum Motion: Observers’ Sensitivity to the Relation Between Period and Length 2, 55
Pittenger, J. B.-see Cabe, P. A.
Pittenger, J. B.-see Carello, C.
Pittenger, J. B.-see Reed, E. S.
Portal, A.-see Kennedy, J. M.
Pufall, P. B., & Dunbar, C.-Perceiving Whether or Not the World Affords Stepping Onto and Over: A Developmental Study 4, 17

Raglioni, S. S.-see Walker-Andrews, A.
Rasmussen, J.-see Vicente, K. J.
Reed, E. S., Montgomery, M., Schwartz, M., Palmer, C., & Pittenger, J. B.-Visually Based Descriptions of Everyday Action 4, 129
Reichel, F. D.-see Carello, C.
Remez, R. E. -When the Objects of Perception Are Spoken 1, 161
Riccio, G. E., & Stoffregen, T. A.-An Ecological Theory of Motion Sickness and Postural Instability 3, 195.
Riccio, G. E.-see Stoffregen, T. A.
Riccio, G. E.-see Stoffregen, T. A.
Rosenblum, L. D. -see Kugler, P. N.
Rossano, M. J.-see Warren, D. H.

Saltzman, E. L., & Munhall, K. G.-A Dynamical Approach to Gestural Patterning in Speech Production 1, 333.
Schmidt, R. C.-see Beek, P. J.
Schmidt, R. C.-see Kugler, P. N.
Schmuckler, M. A.-see Gibson, E. J.
Schwartz, M.-see Reed, E. S.
Shapiro, B. A.-see Gray, J. T.
Shaw, B. K., McGowan, R. S., & Turvey, M. T.- An Acoustic Variable Specifying Time-to-Contact 3, 253
Shaw, B.-see Kinsella-Shaw, J. M.
Shaw, R. E.-see Carello, C.
Shaw, R. E.-see Effken, J. A.
Sidaway, B., McNitt-Gray, .1, & Davis, G.-Visual Timing of Muscle Preactivation in Preparation for Landing 1, 253.
Smith, D. L.-see Ginsburg, G. P.
Solomon, H. Y., Turvey, M. T., & Burton, G.- Gravitational and Muscular Variables in Perceiving Rod Extents by Wielding 1, 265.
Solomon, H. Y.-see Carello, C.
Springer, K.-see Berry, D. S.
Stoffregen, T. A., & Riccio, G. E.-Responses to Optical Looming in the Retinal Center and Periphery 2, 251
Stoffregen, T. A., & Riccio, G. E.‹An Ecological Critique of the Sensory Conflict Theory of Motion Sickness 3, 159
Stoffregen, T. A.-see Riccio, G. E.
Studdert-Kennedy, M.-Cues to What? A Comment on Diehl and Kluender “On the Objects of Speech Perception . ” 1, 181
Swenson, R., & Turvey, M. T.-Thermodynamic Reasons for Perception-Action Cycles 3, 317

Tdlohreg, C. W.-see Bootsma, R. J.
Turvey, M. T.-Affordances and Prospective Control: An Outline of the Ontology 4, 173
Turvey, M. T.-see Beek, P. J.
Turvey, M. T.-see Burton, G.
Turvey, M. T.‹see Carello, C.
Turvey, M. T.-see Chan, T.-C.
Turvey, M. T.-see Kinsella-Shaw, J. M.
Turvey, M. T.-see Kugler, P. N.
Turvey, M. T.-see Pagano, C.
Turvey, M. T.-see Shaw, B. K.
Turvey, M. T.-see Solomon, H. Y.
Turvey, M. T. -see Swenson, R.

Valenti, S. S., & Good, J. M. M. -Social Affordances and Interaction I: Introduction 3, 77
Valenti, S. S.-see van Acker, R.
van Acker, R., & Valenti, S. S.-Perception of Social Affordances by Children With Mild Handicapping Conditions: Implications for Social Skills Research and Training 1, 383
van Snippenberg, F. J.‹see Bootsma, R. J.
Vicente, K. J., & Rasmussen, J.-The Ecology of Human-Machine Systems II: Mediating “Direct Perception” in Complex Work Domains 2, 207

Walker-Andrews, A., Bahrick, L. E., Raglioni, S. S., & Diaz, I.-Infants’ Bimodal Perception of Gender 3, 55
Warren, D. H., Rossano, M. J., & Wear, T. D.- Perception of Map-Environment Correspondence: The Roles of Features and Alignment 2, 131.
Wear, T. D.-see Warren, D. H.


Beek, P. J., & Bingham, G. P.-Task specific Dynamics and the Study of Perception and Action: A Reaction tO von Hofsten (1989) 3, 35
Bingham, G. P.-see Beek, P. J.
Burton, G.-Behavioral Relics and Animal-Environment Mutualism: Commentary on Coss (1991) 5, 153
Coss, R. -Evolutionary Persistence of Ground Squirrel Antisnake Behavior: Reflections on Burton’s Commentary 5, 171.
Cutting, J. E.-Four Ways to Reject Directed Perception 3, 25.
Guski, R.-Acoustic Tau: An Easy Analogue to Visual Tau? 4, 189.
Iberall, A. S.-A Commentary on Kugler, Turvey, Schmidt, and Rosenblum’s Ecological Approach to Motor Systems 2, 275.


Effken, J. A., & Shaw, R. E.-Ecological Perspectives on the New Artificial Intelligence An Essay Review of Intelligence as Adaptlve Behavior: An Experiment in Computational Neuroethology by Randall D. Beer, and Minimalist Mobile Robotics: A Colony-Style Architecture for an Artificial Creature by Jonathan H. Connell 4, 247.
Guski, R.-see Heine, W.-D.
Heine, W.-D., & Guski, R.-Listening: The Perception of Auditory Events? An Essay Review of Listening: An Introduction to the Perception of Auditory Events by Stephen Handel 3, 263
Koenderink, J. J.-Wechsler’s Vision An Essay Review of Computational Vision by Harry Wechsler 4, 121
Reed, E. S.-Cognition as the Cooperative Appropriation of Affordances Essay Reviews of Apprenticeship in Thinking: Cognitive Development in Social Context by Barbara Rogoff, and Cognition in Practice by Jean Lave 3, 135
Reed, E. S.-Neural Regulation of Adaptive Behavior: An Essay Review of Neural Darwinism 1, 97.

Index prepared by Greg Burton