Knox Preserve informational signs project

One of the coolest projects our lab has worked is the design of several educational signs for our main study site. Avalonia Inc.’s Knox Preserve near Stonington, CT. This project was a true collaboration between several members of our lab, Professor Joan Morrison (Trinity Biology & ENVS) and Beth Sullivan of Avalonia. The idea for these signs was born out of conversations between myself, Beth and Eunice Kimm(Trinity ENVS ’14) during a cold afternoon of soil sampling in Fall 2013. Eunice was a Studio Arts minor, and she and Beth began discussing an idea: to create a series of educational signs that would include original drawings of birds found at Knox. Eunice did much of the initial work on these signs, including the first draft of the text, and notably several beautiful illustrations (Fig. 1). Slide1Eunice’s efforts were continued after her graduation by myself and Cassandra Cronin (Trinity ENVS ’17), who revised the original text and designed the layout of the final signs (Fig. 2).KnoxPreserveRevised24x18-174748_Proofs

We ended up producing four very informative, and lovely, signs that are now permanently installed at the Knox Preserve (Fig. 3) … and in the process demonstrating that art and science are equally important media for communicating about nature.


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