Author Archives: Cameron Douglass

Catching our breath … Fall 2015 update

Phew … it’s the annual winter break breath catching here in the Trinity Weed Lab. We had a very busy fall 2015 semester, which you could probably tell from the lack of recent posts. Not to mention that Lupita and Jordan … Continue reading

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Fall sampling at Knox Preserve

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Weed Lab represents at ESA 2015

As mentioned in a previous post, the Trinity Weed Lab was well represented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America in Baltimore. Sadly there are no photos of Cameron’s talk at ESA 2015 in Baltimore, but … Continue reading

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Lab members participate in the 2015 Ecological Society of America Meeting in Baltimore, MD

Cameron and Jordan are participating in this week’s centennial annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America and presenting results from the lab’s current research. Jordan is one of the youngest recipients of a prestigious Strategies for Ecology, Education and … Continue reading

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Summer 2015

Well it’s the middle of July, which means that many of our summer research students – we had five this year – are wrapping up their work and getting set to go home. Over the next few weeks we will … Continue reading

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Alex and Cameron go to Hartford City Hall

Cameron and Alex led a public discussion last night in the Hartford City Hall Council Chambers on “Cycling Infrastructure in Hartford.” The discussion began with a presentation by Alex summarizing his map analyses of Hartford’s existing bike lanes, as well … Continue reading

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Knox Preserve Educational Sign Project in the Final Stages

Thanks to lots of hard work by Eunice (who drew the beautiful illustrations), Cassandra (who put together most of the text), myself and Dr. Joan Morrison at Trinity, the signs we have been designing for the Avalonia Land Conservany Inc.’s Knox Preserve … Continue reading

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Cool maps (really analyses) from Jenna

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More to come …

I find myself playing catch-up again with blog posts, but will be posting more regularly in the near future as I try to acknowledge all the great work that our lab completed last year – both in the field and … Continue reading

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Fall? Really, already?

Wow – it’s already fall, the leaves are starting to change color, and I swear that just the other day the summer season of field work was starting up! More than anything I’d like to think that’s a testament to … Continue reading

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