Current Research

ESA 2015 POSTER: Couldn’t make it to Baltimore, or really liked our ESA 2015 poster – entitled “Methodological approaches for assessing ecosystem functional impacts from woody invasive species” – download a copy here.

Current ongoing research projects in the Trinity Weed Lab include the following (click on each for more information – including project methods, data and preliminary results):

The Avalonia Land Conservancy's Knox Preserve near Stonington, CT is the site of most of our lab's research. Though relatively small in area (17.4 acres) it contains several ecologically distinct habitat types.

The Avalonia Land Conservancy’s Knox Preserve near Stonington, CT is the site of most of our lab’s research. Though relatively small in area (17.4 acres) it contains several ecologically distinct habitat types.

Related completed projects in the Trinity Weed Lab include the following (click on each for more information):

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