A feathered friend perched on the sill of an office window on the Long Walk to say hello to Trinity.  The campus is no stranger to birds, and specifically juvenile Red-tailed hawks, pictured above.  Professor Joan Morrison says this bird probably hatched just this spring.  “Juvenile hawks frequent campus probably because there is alot of food for them,” she said.  “They mostly eat squirrels.”  Morrison adds that there are three known hawk nests around Trinity, where this juvenile could have come from, the closest of which being Pope Park.  “There are many hawk nests around Hartford,” Morrison said.  “These raptors do well in the city, eating squirrels and birds and rats.  They nest in Hartford’s large trees but also on buildings and billboards.”

Read more about bird life at Trinity here: http://www.trincoll.edu/NewsEvents/NewsArticles/pages/Birds.aspx.

(Photo by Devlin Hughes, Area Coordinator at Trinity College)