Glossary of Terms

Secularism (French-Laicité, Spanish-Laicismo, Turkish-Sekülerleşme)

A “this-worldly”, universalistic, naturalistic and modern outlook on human existence. In the political and constitutional realm is the assertion of the autonomy of public life and the institutions of the state from religion and religious authority.

As an ideology it is not merely a negation of religion and clerical authority but an affirmative commitment to secular values.

Secular values

These include reason, empiricism, scientific method, free inquiry, skepticism, liberty, equality and human rights.


This-worldly i.e. operating under the assumption that there is only one world we live in and no alternative forms of human existence.  “Of the ages”. Not religious.


The state of being secular


The process of becoming secular

Secularism Over time (Google N-Grams)

Google N-Gram of percentage of mentions of secular terms in books published in English 1800-2008

Terms: Secularism; Secular State; Secularity. Click on picture for larger image

Google N-Gram of percentage of mentions of secular terms in books published in French 1800-2008

Terms: Laïcité; État Laïque; Sécularisation. Click on picture for larger image

Google N-Gram of percentage of mentions of secular terms in books published in Spanish 1800-2008

Terms: Laicismo; Estado Laico ; Lacidad. Click on picture for larger image