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New Trinity Students Get Familiar With Hartford

Students at Trinity College got familiar with Hartford and its neighborhoods during orientations today. A number of Trinity staff and faculty led these orientations throughout the city including Professor Dario Del Puppo and Community Relations Director Jason Rojas and Manager Julia Rivera.

Some students traveled by bus and others on bikes. Professor Del Puppo, Attorney Ken Krayeske, and local bike guru/Studio Arts Technician Chris Brown led their group on bikes. They started at Trinity then visited Bushnell Park and Keney Park.


Trinity alumna Wildaliz Bermudez (pictured left and middle) and Director of Urban Educational Initiatives, Robert Cotto, Jr. (pictured right), caught up with the group to share what they do in the city in terms of work and civic life. Park Street’s very own Comerio Restaurant provided empanadas, rellenos de papa, and tostones (all types of fritters).

The orientation (hopefully) will help students understand Hartford better and learn about how to get engaged with life in a new city. Students in the group came from places like Chicago, Miami, and New Delhi, India, to name a few home cities. Although many students had experience living in other cities, today they learned more about Hartford specifically.

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