Connecting people that learn, work, and live in Hartford, CT.

NSF-TEU Teaching Interns Learn about School Choice and Sheff Case in Hartford, CT from Professor Dougherty

NSFTEU Meets Prof Dougherty

The National Science Foundation – Teaching Experiences for Undergraduates kicked off last Monday, June 6, 2016 at Trinity College. The program brings together 12 undergraduate students (middle) from across the country in order to develop their knowledge and skill in teaching high school science. A major goal of the program is support undergraduate science majors at small liberal arts college towards a career in teaching science. In order to accomplish this goal, the NSF-TEU students, who are all majoring in one science discipline, take a science pedagogy course with Dr. Kurt Love (far left) and will participate in a summer teaching practicum under the supervision of experienced local teachers from the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA) in Hartford, Connecticut.

On Monday, June 13, the NSF-TEU students took a lunch break to learn and ask questions about school choice from Trinity College Professor Jack Dougherty (far right) who researches this topic and has documented it on the Cities, Suburbs, and School Project site. Director of Urban Educational Initiatives also shared some points from his report, “Choice Watch”, published with CT Voices for Children. The talk was meant to introduce the NSF-TEU participants to the local educational context, specifically the Sheff v. O’Neill case that resulted in more than 40 interdistrict magnet schools in the Hartford region, including HMTCA.

Welcome to the NSF-TEU participants and Professor Love and thanks to Professor Dougherty for the visit!




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