Connecting people that learn, work, and live in Hartford, CT.

Conversations: Meet Berkley Singer, Trinity ’15

As part of our “Careers in Urban Education” Panel & Discussion, Robert Cotto, Jr. sat down with Berkley Singer for a conversation about her work this year. Berkley is a recent Trinity alumna (2015) and a City Year corps member in Denver, Colorado. In the conversation, Berkley shared what work she has been is doing, what her typical day looks like, and what advice she would give herself in back in her Trinity days.


City Year places its corps member as partners with cooperating teachers in schools. They assist teachers and students in small or larger groups on tutoring, after school programs, and other areas. As an AmeriCorps program, City Year provides a stipend and a number of other benefits.

You can learn more about the City Year program here and at Professor Dougherty’s site here. For more information, please contact:

Tiesha Nieves
Regional Recruitment Manager, Northeast
City Year, Inc.
275 Westminster St., Suite 500 | Providence, RI 02903

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