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First Day of HMTCA Summer Academies at Trinity College

Theresa starting of high school

Today the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy (HMTCA) 9th grade summer writing and 10th grade science academies began at Trinity College. Although the two programs take place on Trinity’s campus, this is technically the first day of high school for the rising 9th grade students in the writing academy. Summer Academy administrator and HMTCA teacher Theresa Kemp (top right) explained this fact and other key info at the Fuller Arch before the start of classes.

These academies are part of the Trinity-HMTCA partnership and a key part of the students’ high school experience. The writing and science academies are taught by a mix of Trinity and HMTCA faculty, as well as undergraduate interns. HMTCA students earn high school credit for both the writing and science programs. Trinity College has hosted the writing and science academies since 2011.

Summer academy continues from June 21 to July 15.


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