
Principle Investigator

amberbio2Dr. Amber Pitt

Amber is an Associate Professor of Conservation Ecology in the Environmental Science Program at Trinity College. She received her Ph.D. and M.S. in Interdisciplinary Ecology from the University of Florida, and her B.A. in Zoology from the University of Vermont. She served as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Clemson University, where she designed and coordinated various projects including assessment of isolated wetlands in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge ecoregions of South Carolina, and effects of forest management practices and prescribed fire on American Toads.

Her conservation-driven research focuses on amphibians, reptiles, and aquatic ecosystems, and explores the connections between wildlife population changes, human activity, and environmental change. For example, she examined changes in river turtle assemblages and populations that occurred in conjunction with turtle harvesting, land use-land cover change, and water quality degradation in the Missouri Ozarks. She has evaluated multiple aspects of hellbender salamander ecology, with her most recent research focusing on the effects of land use-land cover change and water quality degradation on hellbender habitat and population persistence in the Susquehanna River drainage in Pennsylvania.

Current Students

Undergraduate Senior Honors Thesis Students

Independent Research Students

Avery Sands

Avery is pursuing her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science at Trinity College. For her research, she is investigating heavy metal accumulation in urban ponds. Avery anticipates graduating in May 2026.








Pitt Lab Alumni

Undergraduate Senior Honors Thesis Students

Evan Eldermire

Evan graduated with Honors in 2024 with his B.S. in Environmental Science at Trinity College. For his Honors Thesis, he investigated mercury accumulation in river turtles in a rural watershed. He is currently pursuing his Master’s degree in Environmental Management at the University of San Francisco.







Caroline Killian

Caroline graduated with Honors in 2023 with her B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College and was named the 2023 Presidential Fellow in Environmental Science. For her Honors Thesis, she evaluated the prevalence of agricultural, pharmaceutical, and heavy metal contaminants in a spring-fed river influenced by varying land uses. She previously investigated flying insect abundance to assess prey availability for insectivorous birds within the context of global change (published in the journal, Ecology), as well as river turtle community dynamics.





Olivia Mastrangelo

Olivia graduated with Honors in 2023 with her B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College. For her Honors Thesis, she  determined lead accumulation and distribution in urban park ponds. She previously studied mercury uptake in algae in urban ponds.









Isabella (Bella) Berntsen

Bella graduated with Honors in 2023 with her B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College. For her Honors Thesis research, she studied mercury accumulation in park ponds along an urban-suburban gradient.








Ellie Tate

Ellie graduated with Honors in 2021 with her B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College and was named the 2021 Presidential Fellow in Environmental Science. For her Honors Thesis research, she evaluated long-term changes in a red-eared slider population and their habitat in Missouri. Her research was published in the journal, Amphibia-Reptilia. Ellie is an Environmental Scientist at a consulting firm in Meriden, Connecticut.







Myles Little

Myles graduated with Honors in 2021 with his B.S. in Environmental Science and English from Trinity College and was awarded the 2021 Senior Prize in Environmental Science. For his Honors Thesis research, he evaluated mercury accumulation and distribution in urban pond food webs.






Kaelie Murray-Simmons

Kaelie graduated Magna Cum Laude from Trinity College in 2020. She earned her Bachelor’s degrees in Environmental Science and Biology with Honors. For her Honors Thesis research, she used trail camera and genetic data to investigate snow leopard population status and ecology in Pakistan. She also examined tree diversity and health on the Trinity College campus in an effort to improve green spaces and wildlife habitats on campus.








Hazel Robertson

Hazel graduated Summa Cum Laude from Trinity College in 2019. She earned a B.S. with Honors in Biology. For her Biology Honors Thesis research, she investigated mercury in urban pond flora and fauna in order to evaluate the ecological health of urban ponds, as well as links between ecological health and human health. She also conducted entomological research and studied abroad in Cape Town, South Africa, where she examined marine biology and global change ecology.








Shane McLaughlin

Shane graduated Magna Cum Laude from Trinity College in 2019. He earned his B.S. with Honors in Environmental Science with a minor in French Language. For his Environmental Science Honors Thesis research, he investigated mercury accumulation and distribution in urban pond sediment. He also conducted mammal population and behavior surveys in Northern Tanzania while studying abroad with The School for Field Studies’ Wildlife Management program. In addition, he assisted Professor Pitt with an eastern hellbender monitoring project in the Susquehanna River drainage of Pennsylvania. Shane is now a Hydrologist employed by the USGS. He is examining microplastic contamination in coastal habitats in Puget Sound at the Washington Water Science Center.






Bailey D'AntonioBailey D’Antonio

Bailey graduated Summa Cum Laude from Trinity College in 2018. She earned a B.S. with Honors in Biology with a Biocultural Approaches to Human Health minor. For her Biology Honors Thesis research, she investigated the influence of microhabitat characteristics on tick abundance in Japanese barberry infested forests. Bailey recently graduated from the University of New England’s Physician Assistant (PA) Program and is working as a PA.





Lupita BarajasGuadalupe (Lupita) Barajas

Lupita graduated with Honors in 2017 with her B.S. in Environmental Science and French Studies from Trinity College and was awarded the 2017 Activism Prize in Environmental Science. For her Environmental Science Honors Thesis research, she evaluated accumulation of heavy metals in urban ponds. Lupita is now working towards a Ph.D. in Ecology through the University of California – Davis and San Diego State University joint doctoral program. She is examining heavy metals and microplastic contamination and fisheries health in coastal waters of California and Alaska.








Independent Research Students

Skye Embray

Skye graduated with her B.S. in Environmental Science and Public Policy & Law from Trinity College in 2023. For her research, she evaluated mercury accumulation in urban pond aquatic and nearby terrestrial vegetation. She also examined state and federal policies related to mercury concentrations in aquatic ecosystems. Skye was a 2022 Goldwater Scholar. Skye is pursuing a Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy at Columbia University.








Anders Brown

Anders (front) earned his B.S. in Environmental Science in 2023 from Trinity College. He investigated wildlife use of small green spaces in urban and suburban areas.










Mary Meza Celis

Mary graduated with her B.S. in Environmental Science and Urban Studies from Trinity College in 2022. For her research, she investigated mercury accumulation and distribution in urban pond sediment.









Jared Buchman

Jared graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College in 2021. For his research, he investigated mercury bioaccumulation in river turtles and urban ponds. *Photo taken during the pandemic.









Ciara Dunn

Ciara graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College in 2021. She investigated mercury bioaccumulation in aquatic plants. Ciara currently conducts marine mammal research and conservation in coastal New England. *Photo taken during the pandemic.









Will Dencker

Will graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College in 2021. For his research, he investigated mercury accumulation in urban terrestrial and aquatic sediments as an index of ecosystem health.









Anna Maria (Bobbie) Imwalle

Bobbie (left) graduated with a B.S. in Biochemistry from Trinity College in 2020. She joined the Pitt Lab her freshman year at Trinity College, participating in urban pond research in which she investigated ecotoxicology.

Brendan Lynch

Brendan (right) graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from Trinity College in 2020. He conducted research on urban pond ecology in the Pitt Lab in summer 2017 as part of the Interdisciplinary Science Program at Trinity College.



Jane Provost

Jane graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science from Trinity College in 2019. She used trail camera data to investigate the distribution of snow leopards and their prey in Pakistan. She also conducted wildlife research using trail cameras and transect surveys in Cambodia. Following graduation, Jane applied her skills in Gambia working with the Peace Corps. She is pursuing her Juris Doctorate at Gonzaga University School of Law.








Alex Lao

Alex graduated with a B.S. in Biology from Trinity College in 2019. She used trail camera data to investigate the movement and population size of snow leopards in Pakistan. Alex is working at a law firm and will be continuing her education in law school with a focus on environmental law.






Joe Ruggiero

Joe graduated Cum Laude from Trinity College in 2019. He earned a B.S. with Honors in Environmental Science with a minor in History. He researched heavy metal concentrations in stream sediment with fellow researcher, Shane McLaughlin. Joe also worked with the Connecticut Coalition Against Crumbling Basements and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection on the science and policy behind pyrrhotite contaminated structures. For his Environmental Science Honors Thesis research, he investigated mercury accumulation and distribution at high elevation in the White Mountain National Forest with Dr. Jon Gourley. Joe is pursuing his Juris Doctorate with a concentration in environmental law at Suffolk University Law School.




Colbie Cook

Colbie graduated with a B.S. in Environmental Science and minor in Urban Studies from Trinity College in 2019. She conducted research on urban pond ecology as an independent student researcher her sophomore year.







Torrey Hill

Torrey graduated with a B.S. in Biology and minor in Studio Arts from Trinity College in 2019. She conducted research on urban pond ecotoxicology as an independent student researcher her sophomore year.









Graduate Students

Sean_TerrapinSean M. Hartzell

Sean earned his M.S. in Biology from Bloomsburg University in 2017. For his graduate research, Sean evaluated interactions between eastern hellbenders (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) and introduced rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) in the greater Susquehanna River drainage of Pennsylvania. Sean is now the Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission.







Jamie Shinskie and hellbenderJamie Shinskie

Jamie earned her M.S. in Biology from Bloomsburg University in 2016. Jamie’s award-winning graduate research focused on the impacts of land use and land cover change on eastern hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis) distribution and habitat in the Susquehanna River drainage of Pennsylvania. Jamie is now a Wildlife Biologist at the Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard Training Center.