BIAC Internship: Weeks 9 and 10

We are now working on post-walk tasks, which mostly revolve around sending out thank-you postcards and letters.

Last week, I mostly worked on the post cards.  It was quite frustrating to redesign the post card five times, as I mentioned in the most recent lab meeting, but the energy is necessary in order to portray the organization in a favorable light.  It’s all aesthetic and marketing.

This week, I worked on the thank-you letters.  In the process, I learned how to do mail merge, which is quite tedious but also quite helpful.  Eric, our temporary tech person, sat down with me and colorfully explain how to use mail merge and why it works like it does, which was so helpful!

The next thank-you task is for our volunteers.  Christina and I have done some brainstorming, but it’ll need a little more work.  We’re going for a “cutesy” theme, hoping to put a puppy on the card or something like it.

As for my final project, I have contacted Hartford Hospital to see if they are open to sharing (anonymous) data in regards to how their patients acquire brain injuries.  We’ll see how that turns out.

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