BIAC Internship: Week 2

This week began with a meeting about my role as the temporary Events Coordinator.  The executive director of BIAC and I sat down for about an hour and a half to discuss the Walk for Thought in its entirety, namely T-shirts and sizes, table and chair rentals, FirstGiving management, and donorperfect utilization so that I can contact former sponsors and ask them to sponsor the event again.

Sponsorship probably doesn’t require an explanation, but I found it interesting, so I’ll explain a little about it.

When a company sponsors the Walk, they can choose which level of sponsorship.  For example: the top sponsors are the Diamond sponsors, and they receive specific perks for donating their specific amount ($5,000 or more).  Their company gets their logo in the program and on the Walk T-shirt as well as a booth for exhibition and their name and logo on our website for a few months.  Gold sponsors, Elite sponsors, Silver sponsors, and Bronze sponsors all receive perks as well, though they receive fewer perks because they are donating less money.

As previously mentioned, one of my other responsibilities as the Events Coordinator has been to contact former donors and ask them to renew their sponsorship with us for the upcoming Walk for Thought.  It can be tedious because of the specifics I need to mention.  I haven’t received any replies to my emails yet, though, but I will update on that later.

Otherwise, BIAC has been great.  On a less-important note, I am trying to figure out a food truck for the Walk since the one we usually use is not available on November 1st.  I also will look into coordinating volunteers and two photographers.

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