In this exercise, demonstrate your skill in properly citing different types of source materials in academic writing, using your preferred citation style from the three most common styles below.
• Chicago-style endnotes or footnotes — quick guide — sample essay
• APA inline citations and works cited — quick guide — sample essay
• MLA inline citations and bibliography — quick guide — sample essay
In general, Chicago-style notes are most common in historical writing, while American Psychological Association (APA) citations and its derivatives dominate the social sciences, and Modern Language Association (MLA) citations appear in most humanities scholarship. In this seminar, you may use any style as long as you do so consistently. In other classes, ask the professor if a certain style is required.
Highly recommended: Use a free citation management tool to help you with these details, so that you can focus your energy on the intellectual work. For example, see my Zotero tutorial, which I will briefly demonstrate in class.
For this exercise, write one paragraph that contains the following sentences (and you may focus solely on the mechanics of citing sources, not the content).
1) Clearly state which citation style you will use in this paragraph.
2) Introduce and cite a direct quote from page 11 of this book, Creating a Class. (“According to sociologist Mitchell Stevens. . .”)
3) Paraphrase and cite an idea from chapter 2 (by Brooks) of this volume (edited by Beckman)
4) Introduce and cite a direct quote from researchers Moses and Marin this academic journal article
5) Paraphrase and cite an idea from this periodical, The Chronicle of Higher Ed
6) Introduce and cite a direct quote from the author of this NY Times newspaper article
7) Paraphrase and cite an idea from this brand-new US government website
8) Extra challenge: If those were easy, show off your skills by introducing and citing a direct quote from this US Supreme Court opinion
Reminder: Include a “works cited” or “bibliography” if using APA or MLA. However, that step is not required in this seminar if you use Chicago-style footnotes or endnotes that include a full citation.
You may write your paragraph in any word processor, but you must submit it in Google Document format. Change the Share settings to “Anyone with the link may comment,” copy the link, then select the appropriate text and paste the link into our GDoc Organizer page prior to the deadline.
If you need help, make an appointment with our FYSM mentor or the Writing Center.