
We thank Chartwell’s Dining Service for supplementing our compost supply, Trinity College Facilities for logistical support, and Dave Tatem, Trinity College Information Technology Services, for computing support.  Peter Lion kindly provided field assistance, and Vinnie Salvador furnished logistical aid. Michael O’Donnell and Roland Kays contributed helpful discussion.  The Trinity College Faculty Research Committee and Interdisciplinary Science Program funded student researchers, the Trinity Community Learning Initiative supported production of this field guide and our citizen science venture, and the Dean’s Office provided equipment funding.  Thanks to the Smedley family for their kitchen scraps and patience throughout this project.

Additionally, we thank several local high schools involved as citizen science partners: students at the Greater Hartford Academy of Math and Science (under the guidance of Greg Shenk), the Hartford Magnet School/Trinity College Academy (under the guidance of Penny Parmelle),  and the Regional Hebron, Andover, and Marlborough High School (under the guidance of Alexa Mitchell).  Thanks also to the members of the Trinity College Ecology class (Fall 2011) for their assistance to these high school participants.