Challenged by a Particular Image? Want Input?

Are you scratching your head about a certain animal in an image that you encountered?  Want some input, so you’ll be ready the next time you see it?  Here’s what you can do to send that image to us.

1.) Each image file has a unique url.  To get to it, just click on the image to enlarge it in the Research Mode (the window with the pull down menus, not the consecutive image window).  For example, that will display following url:

2.)  Then delete the first part up to, but not including, the inner “http”, thus leaving

3.) That url can now be sent in an email or posted on the Facebook page or blog.  By pasting the url into a browser’s address bar and hitting enter, it will display that image.

The actual image in this example was the basis of a question by Chris Higginbotham.


I’ve seen this bird several times, and I just want to make sure I’m identifying it correctly. I’ve been calling it a “red-shouldered hawk”, because it doesn’t really seem to fit the description of any other types, but it seems much lighter in color on the breast and belly than the pictures in the field guide, or for that matter other images I’ve been able to find of this species.


From the image it is apparent that the bird is indeed a red-shouldered – immature without the darker rusty orange breast of an adult, although a hint of orange is appearing in its plumage. The streaking on the breast is more evenly distributed in the immature red-shouldered than in the immature red-tailed where it is in more of a concentrated belly band.  So this image would be categorized as “red-shouldered hawk, 1”; “crow, 1”.  See the crow tail exiting on right?

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