Love Your Dog? Thank an Ancient Composter.

Chris Higginbotham posted yesterday on the CSI Facebook page about his doberman causing him to inadvertently hit the “save data” button before categorizing an image.  Human-dog interactions go back a long ways.   As a paper that appeared this spring argues, this human-canine association might originate with wolves scavenging from ancient compost piles.

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2 Responses to Love Your Dog? Thank an Ancient Composter.

  1. Phil Lussier says:

    What’s the name of the dog who visits one of the compost piles pretty regularly?

    • We affectionately (and rather unimaginatively) call that black lab, “compost dog.” He’s been a regular visitor since the start of the experiment. Rather elusive, he seems to live somewhere up the road. We have never seen him with a human, but he clearly receives human attention and is not feral. There was even a spell when he would appear wearing an E-collar (one of those post-surgery Elizabethan collars to keep a dog from chewing on its sutures).

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