Visiting the Field Site (in-person and potential live, virtual tour later)

During last Thursday’s regularly scheduled field work, we had the pleasure of the company of several visitors.  Amy Coan, a Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 participant on the Connecticut Counting Crows took part.  She teaches chemistry and environmental science at East Catholic High School in Manchester, CT.  Also joining us were Dr. Cameron Douglas, a recently arrived postdoctoral fellow in Trinity’s Environmental Science program, and his two research students Rose Rodriguez and Sarah Black.  Thanks to Cameron for sharing this image.

More CSI participants are visiting this week.  If you are able, we extend a welcome for you to join us for upcoming fieldwork on Wednesday, 17 July; Tuesday, 23 July; Monday, 29 July; or Friday, 16 August.  Field work will begin mid-morning and will run up to several hours.  Please contact me (, if interested.   For those unable to attend in-person, we are looking into the possibility of a live, virtual tour by hosting a webinar during one of the later field work sessions.  Stay tuned.

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