NYT Piece on Crowdsourcing in Ecological Research

Lab of O ebird mapThanks again to all of you who participated in our project linking crowdsourcing to research on scavenger ecology.   You might be interested in this recent NYT story describing another use of ecological crowdsourcing: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/20/science/earth/crowdsourcing-for-the-birds.html

Don’t forget that our wrap-up webinar for Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 is scheduled for Wednesday, 18 September from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. (Eastern).  It will provide an opportunity to tell you about some preliminary citizen science findings (including the environmental psychology study) and to get your feedback on your experience with Wildlife CSI.  We can also consider use of Wildlife CSI with your students.  The webinar link will be sent out to Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 participants  a few days ahead of the webinar.   The webinar (only a single session) will be restricted to the first 25 participants, so if you wish to take part, be sure to log in early.

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