Author Archives: Scott Smedley

Visiting the Field Site (in-person and potential live, virtual tour later)

During last Thursday’s regularly scheduled field work, we had the pleasure of the company of several visitors.  Amy Coan, a Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 participant on the Connecticut Counting Crows took part.  She teaches chemistry and environmental science at … Continue reading

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Team Standings – 7/12/2013

Wow!  We have some very productive contributors to Wildlife CSI.  In just over 10 days, you have collectively categorized over 25,000 images!  Thanks for your help with this research.  Congratulations on some strong performances.  Here are standings (click to enlarge) … Continue reading

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Blue jay with Mystery Bird

To address Chris Higginbotham’s question posted on the Facebook page, here is the image in question with blue jay (circled in blue) and mystery bird (circled in orange).  Again, this whole series benefits from use of consecutive images.

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Rabbit Poop / Who did it?

With our recent heat and humidity, frigid winter mornings are hard to recall.  This past winter, I was out early on many a cold morning following nighttime snowfall.   The goal was to collect freshly deposited cottontail rabbit fecal pellets (see … Continue reading

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White-tailed Deer and Forest Ecology

Check out this recent image from the current round of our compost experiment.  Okay, they may be cute, but overabundant white-tailed deer are a problem in forests.  Experiments where exclosures prevent deer from accessing certain forest plots (see/hear a description … Continue reading

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Study Site / Invitation to Visit

As mentioned in the CSI webinar, here is an aerial view of the study site, showing the three pile locations (yellow circles), and some other maps placing the site geographically.   Now, some questions for you.  Why these particular pile locations?  … Continue reading

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Love Your Dog? Thank an Ancient Composter.

Chris Higginbotham posted yesterday on the CSI Facebook page about his doberman causing him to inadvertently hit the “save data” button before categorizing an image.  Human-dog interactions go back a long ways.   As a paper that appeared this spring argues, … Continue reading

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Team Standings Posting – 7/6/13

Nearing the end of the first full week of CSI-Summer 2013, here is the complete listing of team standings (as of 7 a.m. Eastern this morning).  Click on table to enlarge. We have some impressive performances at this point.  We’re … Continue reading

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When we make a mistake

Based on a question from Amy Coan, this post deals with a topic that we can all relate to. Question What do we do if we make a mistake?  I made a silly mistake on photo #697.  I think that … Continue reading

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Challenged by a Particular Image? Want Input?

Are you scratching your head about a certain animal in an image that you encountered?  Want some input, so you’ll be ready the next time you see it?  Here’s what you can do to send that image to us. 1.) … Continue reading

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