Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wildlife CSI Summer 2014 – Pilot Study with Veterans as Participants

During this year, we will not be offering a citizen science competition as we did last summer.  Instead we are conducting a pilot study looking at the response of Veterans as they view wildlife images from our project and are … Continue reading

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It’s not easy being a scavenger.

We will be thinking a fair amount about scavengers in BIOL 182 as we consider ecology.  This news piece relates some challenges faced by vultures in southern Africa.

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Three Weeks into Wildlife CSI – Fall 2013

Here are the latest team standings (click on table to enlarge) as of Monday (11/11) morning.  Keep up the good work.  Looks like it will be an exciting run for the pizza dinner.  Thanks for your involvement.

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Wildlife CSI Fall 2013 – Current Team Standings

Two weeks of Wildlife CSI have now passed.  The contest remains very close, with the Trinvestigators maintaining their lead from last week.  At this early point, any team could be the leader next week, if they provide a strong showing … Continue reading

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Love Your Dog? Thank an Ancient Composter.

Human-dog interactions go back a long ways.   Composting may figure into that history.   As a paper published this spring argues, this human-canine association might have originated with wolves scavenging from ancient compost piles.  Check out coverage of this research … Continue reading

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Wildlife CSI – Fall 2013: Team Standings after Week 1

Week 1 of Wildlife CSI – Fall 2013 is now done.  Here are the complete team standings as of this morning.  Thanks for your involvement.  Looks like some close competition.

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Bad Bears

Glad that we don’t have to deal with these guys at the field site for our experiment.   See the linked news article to learn about these bad bears.

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What’s Citizen Science?

As you dive into Wildlife CSI, perhaps you’re wondering what citizen science is all about. Pay a visit to this National Geographic resource and learn a little about what it represents:  

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NYT Piece on Crowdsourcing in Ecological Research

Thanks again to all of you who participated in our project linking crowdsourcing to research on scavenger ecology.   You might be interested in this recent NYT story describing another use of ecological crowdsourcing: Don’t forget that our wrap-up webinar for Wildlife … Continue reading

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Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 Final Standings

Well, the dust has settled as Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 officially closed at midnight last night.   Over the past seven weeks, you folks have made a most significant contribution to this ecological research, categorizing 80,800 images!  Thanks so much … Continue reading

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