Category Archives: Uncategorized

Team Standings (7/26)

We are at the halfway point in CSI (last day: 18 August).  Here are the latest team standings (as of this morning).  Collectively you have completed 43,000 image analyzes since the start, with some very remarkable performances both by teams … Continue reading

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No Archive for Webinar from Field Site

Although the live video from Tuesday’s field webinar came across in good form, the quality of the archived version was poor.  We are therefore not posting it. We were delighted to have Amy Coan and Lin Schroeder, both from the … Continue reading

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Count Crows – Help from Consecutive Images

As you see from the comments on the Facebook page and blog, there are differing opinions regarding the number of crows present in this challenging image provided by Joe Jankowski: Ron Miller in his comment mentions the limitations imposed … Continue reading

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Counting Crows

Joe Jankowski from “The Invasive Species” team has kindly submitted the following. Challenging Image -How many crows in this picture? To view the image in a hi-res, enlargeable format, use the following link. Let’s hear your thoughts.

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Complete Team Standings

Here are the latest team standings.  Altogether, you have analyzed 35,000 images!  THANKS for this big contribution to the project.

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Scavenging Great White Sharks

About this time of the summer, great white sharks are spotted off the southern New England coast, particularly that of Cape Cod.   The frequency of great white sightings has increased in recent years due, at least in part, to growing … Continue reading

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Ancient Manure-Spreading Farmers

A just-released study indicates that neolithic European farmers began using manure to fertilize their crops 8000 years ago.  Composting has ancient roots.

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Ancient Scavengers

As you study images of contemporary scavengers, it’s important to realize that scavenging is an ecological strategy that goes back a long ways.   There has been heated debate among paleontologists as to whether Tyrannosaurus rex was really a predator or … Continue reading

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Up for a Challenging Image?

During her recent analysis of this image, CSI-Summer 2013 contributor, Nancy Schoeppner of “The Jack Sparrows,” spotted a well-hidden bird behind the pile.   Take a minute to look at the image.  Do you see it?  To make your life … Continue reading

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Wildlife CSI and Your Teaching

To get us thinking about how to incorporate the citizen science tools from this ecological research into your teaching, here is a recent post (and my response) from CSI–Summer 2013 participant Amy Coan.  Please share your thoughts regarding this particular … Continue reading

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