Category Archives: Uncategorized

More categorization technique questions

This post is based on some recent categorization questions raised by Phil Lussier.  Since many of you are likely contemplating these and related issues, I am providing my responses here.  – Scott Question 1 In seeing a group of crows … Continue reading

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Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 / Participant Locations

Our Wildlife CSI group consists of 52 science teachers/environmental educators comprising 31 teams, ranging from 1 to 5 participants per team.  As you can see, folks spread across the United States and Canada are helping us understand the ecology of … Continue reading

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Answers to Some Procedural and Performance Score Questions

To ensure that all CSI folks have ready access to these questions from Chris Higginbotham and my responses, I am posting them directly on the blog. Scott Hi Chris, Sure. You ask some great questions (in blue below; which are … Continue reading

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New York City Moves Closer to Municipal Composting

This summer, as we think about residential composting and its effects on scavenger ecology, NYC is looking ahead to require composting of household food waste.  You can find a more detailed account in the following New York Times piece.

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Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 Launches on Monday, July 1

We’re looking forward to Monday’s start of Wildlife CSI. If you want to post something to other participants, please submit it here.

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Wildlife CSI – Summer 2013 Registration Deadline Fast Approaching

Wildlife CSI (Compost Scene Investigation)  Summer 2013 An Internet-Based, Ecological Research Opportunity for Middle and High School Science Teachers July 1 to August 18, 2013 Benefits to participants include: engaging in actual ecological research through the emerging discipline of citizen … Continue reading

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