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As we are approaching the due date for our first essay, I decided to conduct a literature search for potential sources to support my argument. The first source that I found is an article from a website titled The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights that describes what housing discrimination is.[1] The next source I found is a book titled Closed Doors, Opportunities Lost: The Continuing Costs of Housing Discrimination that describes the connection between housing and opportunity.[2] I would like to further explore this topic as home ownership is seen as a long-term goal. Despite many people’s dreams of buying homes in great neighborhoods, there are harsh realities for some. Hopefully this book will explain more on who is targeted, how they are targeted and why and the effects. Another source that I found is from the Journal of Urban Economics that discusses housing discrimination in the year 2000.[3] I find this relevant because the study was conducted within the last fifteen years. This will help me examine the changes in housing barriers, if any, through out the 20th century and beyond. The last source I found was on the Hartford Courant’s website. It discusses housing discrimination of Section 8 recipients.[4] I know that we are focusing on homeowners, but I think it might be interesting to compare the difference of housing discrimination for homeowners and renters as homeownership is as more permanent while renting may be temporary.


[1] “What Is Housing Discrimination?” The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.

[2] Yinger, John. Closed Doors, Opportunities Lost: The Continuing Costs of Housing Discrimination. Russell Sage Foundation, 1997. Print.

[3] Zhao, Bo, Jan Ondrich, and John Yinger. “Why Do Real Estate Brokers Continue to Discriminate? Evidence from the 2000 Housing Discrimination Study.” Journal of Urban Economics 59.3 (2006): 394–419. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.

[4]  “Federal Suit Alleges Section 8 Housing Discrimination.” Hartford Courant. Web. 21 Sept. 2012.



Published by

Victoria Smith Ellison

Victoria is a student at Trinity College in Hartford, CT majoring in Educational Studies.