Q1: Does it Take a Court Order to Desegregate Connecticut Schools?

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Assignment Q1: How has student participation in magnet programs varied by major metro regions in CT (Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven) over the past 5-10 years?

The lawsuit Sheff v O’Neill called for 41% of Hartford students to be entered in a desegregated school by 2013. One strategy to achieve this was the implementation of magnet schools, which are schools that draw students from many different districts. Because of the court order, it makes sense that participation in magnet schools in Hartford has increased over the past five years. However, interdistrict magnet school participation has also increased in New Haven and Bridgeport, where a court order was not issued to require increased enrollment in magnet schools.

I created a bar chart to convey magnet school participation in Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport to prove that participation in interdistrict magnet schools has increased in each region over the past five years. I used the 2007-2008 and 2012-2013 Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) choice program directory to compile a list of the interdistrict magnet schools in each region. Next, I used data in the 2007 and 2012 CSDE school level racial data file to calculate the total enrollment of students in magnet schools in each region.

Although I did have access to fall 2013 enrollment data, it was only for Hartford.  It did not make sense to only display 2013 data for Hartford, when I could not for Bridgeport and New Haven.  I found it more appropriate to create a chart comparing three regions with data from consistent years.

In Hartford from October 2007-October 2012, magnet school enrollment increased from 7,388-8,416 students, or 14.52%.  Hartford created an additional magnet school in those five years, totaling 17 magnet schools in 2012.  In New Haven, magnet school enrollment increased from 5,795-7,719 students.  This increase of 33.2% may be due to the fact in five years, New Haven created an additional three magnet schools, totaling 16. In Bridgeport 2007, there were approximately 433 students participating in the region’s one magnet school. In 2012, there were two magnet schools with a total enrollment of approximately 930 students, resulting in a 114.8% increase.

It is important to understand that just because there has been an increase in magnet school participation, these schools are not necessarily integrated. It is possible that the newly enrolled students are all of a specific race. To investigate this I used the 2012-2013 CSDE school level racial data and calculated the approximate average racial make-up of all magnet schools in each region. The split bar charts below reveal that over the past five years, although magnet school participation has increased, the average racial make up of all schools in each region has remained about the same.




Interestingly, even though average percentage of minority students in all Hartford area magnet schools is around 75%, as mandated by law, there is great variation in the percentage of minority students in individual magnet schools.  I created an interactive bar chart to show that schools range from about 40%-90% minority.  This proves that in Hartford, magnet school participation is increasing, but many of these schools are not desegregated.  To create this chart I used October 1, 2013 enrollment data provided in Jacqueline Rabe Thomas’s recent article.  I chose the percent minority from the “smallest group.”  I was unable to create this chart for New Haven and Bridgeport because the 2013 race level data was not available.

To edit this essay, I first deleted a map that I submitted with the original draft.  This map showed the location of each region and it’s total magnet school enrollment.  I removed the map because it did not contribute a significant amount of information to the overall essay.  In its place, I used 2013 race level data for the Hartford area to create a chart of the racial make-up of interdistrict magnet schools.  This allowed me to display how there are stark variations between the percent of minority students in different Hartford area magnet schools.  The point of this essay was to show that magnet school enrollment has increased even in regions where a court order does not mandate it.  However, I make the argument that just because there is an increase in enrollment, the schools are not completely desegregated.  The additional bar chart represents this perfectly because it shows how some schools are still dominantly white, while others are dominantly minority.

Evaluation questions:

Does the data visualization — and the accompanying short essay (no more than 500 words) — adequately answer the assigned question?

What works with this visualization & essay, and what could be improved?

How to Lie with Maps

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Widespread Racial Diversity

Sharp Racial Differences

These two maps display the same data from the racial composition of students in the Hartford area for the 2009-2010 academic year. Both of the data visualizations are mathematically correct, in that they both represent the accurate data, but the two maps are designed differently which can lead viewers to have inaccurate perceptions of the data. The first map shows Hartford and its surrounding neighborhoods as racially diverse by displaying a large number of buckets that divide the data and by using a good range of colors to represent a wide variety of racial compositions. The second map is only divided into three ranges: 0.0-0.25, 0.25-0.75, and 0.75-1.0 and visually it looks like there are sharp racial differences. The color choice goes from the lightest color representing the range with the smallest percentage of minorities to the darkest color representing the range with the largest percentage of racial minorities which causes the viewer to immediately recognize the sharp racial differences by town.

Exercise 7: How To Lie With Maps

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Sharp Racial Divisions

Widespread Racial Diversity

The two maps above both depict the same data for the percent of minority students in Hartford-area school districts for the 2009-2010 school year. However, the first map shows sharp racial divisions in the Hartford area, while the second map portrays widespread racial diversity. By editing certain aspects of the map, the data can reveal drastically different interpretations of the racial composition of Hartford-area schools. For example, in the first map, I decreased the range of the data and the amount of gradients to only two so that the map would portray major differences between the districts. I also chose to use contrasting colors, one very light and the other very dark, to portray major disparity between the regions. In the second map, I increased the range and the amount of gradients to make the Hartford area appear very diverse. I also chose to use different shades of purple for the gradient, because this makes the map appear to have little contrast between regions.

How to Lie with Maps

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Both of my maps are the same however, they are manipulated differently.  The first map shows racial diversity by increasing the number of buckets.  By increasing the number of buckets this alters the scale which allows for more district variation.  The second map has  two buckets which would show less contrast on the map.  Changing the buckets allows for different colors to represent different numbers which would ultimately change the shading percentages.


2009-10 Hartford Area School District Racial Diversity

2009-10 Hartford Area School District Racial Division