NEGSA Conference Impressions

Jon Gourley presenting Linnea's poster

Linnea, a junior ENVS major conducted research with professor Gourley on heavy metal concentration in urban sediments. Unfortunately she could not attend the conference, so Jon had to do some extra work.

I designed a study to assess the trace metal concentrations in the fine-grained sediments in an urban stream. For this study I took grab samples periodically along the stream in order to locate hot spots and at the mouth of a sanitary sewer outflow (SSO) to determine if it is a source of contamination to the river. I also compared my samples to a previous study done that did detailed sampling at the mouth of the SSO, and to the sediment quality guidelines and probably effect concentrations. Ultimately I located one hot spot, and found that the current concentrations of trace metals were lower at the mouth of the SSO, compared to the past concentrations. I was unable to attend the 2013 Northeast GSA conference to present this research, but thankfully Professor Jonathan Gourley was willing to put in some extra work and present for me.


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