Students Present Summer Research

Maddie and Jamie with their postersLast Thursday about a hundred undergraduate science students presented the results of their summer research. ENVS was, as always well-represented: Maddie had written up most of the research on her (still preliminary) pollen diagram from Lake Louise in Penwood State Park, while Jamie found some evidence for several periods of increased storminess in sediment-magnetic data from Otsego Lake in Upstate New York.Justin and Dan tried to impress innocent first-year students from Joan’s seminar with their flashy poster on soil sampling in the White Mountains.
Dan and Dave impressing the first years - or notRose and Sarah, on the other hand never quite realized that all those “submit your poster now” e-mails were really directed at them. Not to worry – we’ll make them earn their keep by nominating them for some onerous task in the spring.

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