Gray is the New Black:Day 1 – Reykjavik

This year’s ENVS field trip revisited an old favorite: we spent 12 awesome days in Iceland. The weather was miserable but the trip was as amazing as ever.

the guys setting up their tent in Reykjavik

the guys setting up their tent in Reykjavik

We arrived in Reykjavik at the crack of (non-existing) dawn, got our bus transfer to the city campground and set up tents in a light drizzle. Then we headed into town for some early sight seeing.

Reykjavik skyline

Reykjavik skyline

Jon trying to look distinguished

Jon trying to look distinguished

The 3D map of Iceland in town hall. Our hike started at the coat, went between the two glaciers and ended appproximately 60 miles inlands.

Part of the 3D map of Iceland in town hall. Our hike started at the coat, went through the narrow gap between the two glaciers and ended approximately 60 miles inlands.

The night was short, and it showed early in the afternoon. Jenna must have slept for hours, but Lia wasn’t doing much better. She blamed it on some really big guy in the seat next to hers.

Jenna watching the back of her eye lids

Jenna watching the back of her eye lids

One of the few instances where Lia does not smile. It must have been a stressful flight.

One of the few instances where Lia does not smile. It must have been a stressful flight.

We barely got them awake enough to try out the local pool (ask the girls about their highly traumatic shower experience!) and have local fare at Reykjavik’s best hotdog stand, which happens to be right in front of the pool. The students may have had their doubts, but after two bites they agreed: Their professors were right (as usual), and Icelandic hotdogs are awesome! “Eina með öllu” is all the Icelandic you really need to know.

Bridget biting intoo meatlovers bliss..

Bridget biting into meat-lovers bliss.

I think we had them all in bed by nine (OK, all but Giuliani and Dan – maybe).

Two side notes:
No matter where Bill Clinton ate his dog (Bæjarins Beztu Pylsur), the best hotdog stand is NOT at the harbor – far from it.

The title, you ask? Well, my favorite “Twenty Shades of Grey” was already taken, and gray had to be in the title. It’s the favorite color of rainclouds, storm clouds, the inside of clouds, overcast sky, fog, more  clouds,  andesitic lava flows, and backpackers from at least three continents.

onward to day 2

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