Nick Uline from Woods Hole’s Marine Biology Lab visits McCookout

Nick talking to one of our students during McCookout

Nick talking to one of our students during McCookout

Nick Uline visited McCookout today, telling students about the Semester in Environmental Science Program (SES) at the marine biology Laboratory (MBS – these guys sure like acronyms ;-) at Woods Hole. The program offers an exciting semester focusing on global change and biochemistry on Woods Hole’s campus on Cape Cod. Our environmental science majors could transfer three courses which count towards their major. These courses would replace Methods in ENVS (ENVS 275L) and two electives. Since the second half of the semester is spent on an independent research project, our majors could also fulfill their integrating experience requirement at woods Hole and might even expand their project into a thesis.

The program is a great opportunity for students who would like to go on to graduate school. It offers plenty of great science and allows you to make the first connections in the graduate school world. You should give it some serious thought!

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