First McCookout of the Semester

with images from guest paparazzi Elizabeth Simon

Rain or shine, a handful of ENVS students and faculty met this Tuesday under the trees behind McCook for the first McCookout. Iver sabotaged a greater turnout by announcing that the event was cancelled due to inclement weather. More food for us!cheesecake_happinessHere Jon demonstrates that cheese in the form of cheese cake and cheese burgers equals happiness, while Cameron’s veggie burger experience seemed less satisfying.
unhappy_veggie_burgerJoan is talking to new students (in the back), while Cameron’s face is reminiscent of Colby Tucker’s face after trying dried fish in Iceland for the very first time (it’s an acquired taste – believe me). But judge for your self: first Cameron …
dried_fish_anyonethen Colby:
106 Thingvellir - Colby trying dried fish… what else is there to say. The negative effects of too many veggies can also be seen with Christoph, whose two carrot vampire teeth leave Helen rather unimpressed:carrot vampireto be continued …

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