Bird banding at Two Rivers Magnet School

BirdbandingLast month Professor Morrison and her students conducted the annual spring bird banding event with 6th-8th grade students at the 2 Rivers Magnet Middle School, in East Hartford.  This activity provides a unique opportunity for students to learn scientific methodology for studying birds, about the natural environment surrounding them, and more about the birds themselves.  Prof. Morrison and her students have been banding birds at 2RMMS since 2002, once in fall and once in spring.  This week’s best capture was a Northern Flicker!

weighing birds

bird bandingflickerbird banding

1 thought on “Bird banding at Two Rivers Magnet School

  1. Hello, my daughter is currently in 6th grade at Two Rivers. She would really love the opportunity to take part in your research? Please let us know how to make sure that she attends bird banding with you and has a chance to learn from you.
    Thank you, -Alicja M.

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