1998 Birthday Conference

1998 Homeokinetics Conference
July 24-26, 1998
University of Connecticut
Thomas Dodd Research Center
Storrs, Connecticut

Sponsored by:

International Society for Ecological Psychology
NBS/NIST Standards Alumni Association

The 1998 Homeokinetics Conference is both a celebration of the 80th birthday of Dr. Arthur S. Iberall and also an opportunity to bring together scientists interested in the science of Homeokinetics. Today, in our highly complex and almost out-of-control world, there is a widespread need for a homeokinetic physics that explains the application of physics to complex systems. Nowhere else has there been a place that brings together physicists, biologists, geologists, anthropologists, physiologists, biomedical engineers, economists, and social scientists, all of whom are stretching the edges of their fields to learn a common vocabulary that is grounded in physics in order to understand how complex systems work.

Videos from this conference:

Part 1 of 6 segments covering the entire conference
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

Program committee:

Dr. Claudia Carello, University of Connecticut
Dr. Thea Iberall, University of Southern California
Dr. William Mace, Trinity College
Dr. Eleanora Robbins, U.S. Geological Survey

Preliminary Program

Dr. Frank Hassler, United States Dept of Transportation
Dr. Arthur Iberall, UCLA (retired)
Dr. Harold Soodak, City College of New York
Earth Sciences
Dr. Eleanora Robbins, US Geological Survey
Dr. Ralph Abraham, U.C. Santa Cruz
Dr. James Bassingthwaighte, University of Washington
Dr. Richard Bergman, University of Southern California
Dr. Edward Bloch, Cleveland, OH
Dr. Geoffrey Gerstner, University of Michigan
Dr. Don Marsh, Brown University
Dr. Gerald Soffen, NASA
Dr. David Winter, University of Waterloo
Dr. Peter Kugler, University of Connecticut
Dr. William Mace, Trinity College
Dr. Robert Shaw, University of Connecticut
Dr. Michael Turvey, University of Connecticut
Dr. Ron Eglash, Ohio State University
Dr. Lou Goldberg, State University of New York at Buffalo
Dr. Alexander Moore, University of Southern California
Dr. Douglas White, University of California at Irvine
Economics, Political Science, and Lae
Dr. Richard Baum, UCLA
Dr. Richard Day, University of Southern California
Dr. David Wilkinson, UCLA
Dr. Paul Wohlmuth, University of San Diego
Computer Sciences
Dr. Kirstie Bellman, The Aerospace Corp.

Please refer any questions to theaiberall@yahoo.com

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