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Late Paper Policy

I recognize that we all have very busy schedules and many demands on our limited time. My late paper policy is fairly lenient and designed to give students the ability to best choose how to spend their time.



An assignment will be marked down one third of a grade (i.e. a B+ becomes a B) if submitted prior to due date of the next assignment. An addition third of a grade dedication will be applied for each subsequent due dates missed.

For example, three assignments are due February 1, March 1, and April 1. A paper turned in on February 2 (or 5 or 12 or 19) will received one third of a grade deduction. A paper turned in March 1 (or 7, or 28, etc.) will receive another deduction. A paper turned in April 1 or later will receive a full grade deduction.

This policy applies to all work that is submitted after the end of the semester, as part of an incomplete or NGR.


Excused Late Papers

This fairly lenient late policy also means that I do not give extensions, except in case of an extreme medical, family, or personal emergency. If an emergency arises, please provide documentation to the Dean of Students office (medical notes, police reports, obituaries, etc.). The Dean will then inform me whether I should accept the late work or not. Because all assignments are handed out at least two weeks prior to the due date, I believe there is more than enough time to complete each assignment (assuming proper time management). As such, I do not accept “I have a very busy finals schedule,” “I have family coming into town,” “I have a tournament that day,” “I have travel plans that conflict with this deadline,” etc. as valid excuses.


Submitting Late Papers

If your assignment is late, please email me a copy as soon as you finish it. This will serve as a “time stamp” proving the date on which the work was completed (and keeping a record for myself). However, you must also submit a hard copy of the assignment. To submit your hardcopy fill out a “Late Paper Submission Form” and place it under my office door to receive a grade. No hardcopy; no grade. Late papers will receive grades only, no feedback or comments on content.

If the late paper is excused, please include a copy of the pertinent email correspondence granting the extension when submitting the hardcopy.


Submitting Papers Early

If you are submitting a paper early please attach the Late Paper Form as well. This will help me keep track of the paperwork.


Keep Hardcopies

Please keep hardcopies of your returned work. It can happen that papers, especially late papers, get lost in the shuffle of the semester. Keeping your papers handy is a helpful way to minimize that risk.