Convenience Through Security

As the new academic year kicks off at Trinity College, it’s clear that the college has been working behind the scenes to ensure a more secure and convenient digital experience for students, faculty, and staff. Over the past few years, Trinity College has significantly bolstered its cybersecurity measures, but what’s especially noteworthy is that many of these improvements enhance security and make life easier for end users. Let’s take a closer look at how these upgrades benefit the entire college community.

A High-Level Cybersecurity Roadmap: Safer Systems, Smoother Operations

Trinity College has developed a high-level roadmap to guide its cybersecurity program. While the primary goal is to protect sensitive data and stay ahead of emerging cyber threats, this strategy also focuses on minimizing disruptions to daily operations and streamlining user experience. This roadmap strengthens the college’s defenses and ensures that students and staff can focus on what matters most—learning and teaching—without being bogged down by overly complex or cumbersome security protocols.

Passwordless Sign-In: Security That’s Simple

Perhaps the most user-friendly improvement has been the introduction of passwordless sign-in at Trinity College. In today’s digital world, managing multiple passwords can be overwhelming and often leads to weak, reused passwords that are easily compromised. By adopting passwordless solutions, Trinity College has made accessing accounts more secure and convenient for users.

Awareness Training: Protecting Yourself Without Overload

Trinity College understands that cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility, which is why it’s enhanced awareness trainingfor faculty and staff. While past training may have been dense and overwhelming, the new approach focuses on making the information accessible to digest and relevant to daily use by offering training in digestible segments and concentrating on the most pertinent risks. The time allowed for training completion has been expanded to 60 days to accommodate busy schedules. This user-centered approach to cybersecurity education ensures that everyone can play a role in protecting the college with minimal time commitment.

October Cybersecurity Awareness Events: Learning Through Experience

In addition to traditional training, Trinity College will hold cybersecurity awareness events that make learning about security fun and interactive. Pop-up events will be held on campus in October to promote cybersecurity awareness. Students demonstrating their knowledge will be eligible for giveaways when they spin our cyber awareness wheel. Refreshments will be available, and cybersecurity team members will be present to answer any questions you may have.

Ultimately, Trinity College is working hard to stay ahead of potential cyber threats and ensure that these advancements lead to a more convenient and seamless experience for everyone: Convenience Through Security. The college’s commitment to security and usability ensures that students and staff can focus on what they do best without worrying about digital threats or facing unnecessary hurdles.

This academic year, the college community can feel confident that Trinity College has made significant investments in cybersecurity that enhance security and convenience. From passwordless sign-ins to engaging awareness events, these improvements are designed with the user in mind, making security work for you, not against you.


John Inghilterra
Information Security Director

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