Congratulations to PBPL Major Emily Blanchard ’22, Published Author of Op-Ed

By Panop (Nop) Phongpetra ’23


The Public Policy and Law Department is very proud of Emily Blanchard ’22, a senior Public Policy and Law major whose op-ed was published in the Connecticut Mirror‘s Viewpoints!

For the Public Policy and Law Internship (PBPL-398) course, students are required to submit written academic assignments that are related to the internship placement and the students’ area of concentration in the major. One component is an op-ed piece on a policy issue or question that is related to the work of the organization.

You can read Emily’s op-ed below or here. Congratulations again, Emily!

The rise in youth overdose fatalities calls for antidote in all schools

To view other published op-ed pieces by students in the department, click here.

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