It is fascinating to see the differences in the interaction effects of sound on brainwave peaks at different intervals between the participants in your two studies. Is there an explanation for why there is such a significant difference between the interaction effects of the neutral and calm brainwaves, the first being at the very beginning of the baseline test in study 1 and the second being at the guided portion of the study? Great job overall!
If I understand your question correctly, it makes sense for calm brainwaves peaks to spike once any of the meditations begin (since they are theoretically supposed to induce relaxation and high calm brainwave peak frequency indicate relaxation). The baseline condition is reflective of brainwaves before meditating, and operating in a relativley normal daily task, so there wouldn’t be a relaxation response as of yet. A neutral brainwave spike from baseline to the meditations suggests more relaxation than needed for active but not as enough for calm. Explanations for that could be the participant is slightly more preoccupied in baseline or not quite comfortable enough in the meditations.
I found your poster really interesting on how different sounds effect brainwave peaks and how meditations of silent, guided, and OM produced significant relaxation! I am curious as to what limitations you encountered in this study? Great work!
I thought this was a really interesting study especially for college kids now who typically have high stress. I wonder how the OM music would affect participants who do not meditate and if different music styles would relax them. How did you choose which guided meditation music to use on participants and was it the same for everyone? Great job!
I really enjoyed your thesis topic. I particularly liked learning how centering meditation can decrease levels of depression, anxiety and anger. It had never occurred to me that a particular phrase may be better to use than others when meditating. Because of your thesis I might just have to try meditating!!
In a time where not only college students, but people around the world are experiencing elevated stress and anxiety levels, I think mindfulness activities such as meditation are essential. Providing evidence to show that there is a true physiological response to any type of meditation would hopefully encourage people to begin or continue practicing this form of self-care. Well done!
In these stressful times of elevated stress, its very effective that science can back up these practices. Esp for countries or cultures where mental health is not taken into consideration and meditation is known to be a luxury than a general practice. One does not need to spend money only it can be achieved by practicing on ones own self too.
It is fascinating to see the differences in the interaction effects of sound on brainwave peaks at different intervals between the participants in your two studies. Is there an explanation for why there is such a significant difference between the interaction effects of the neutral and calm brainwaves, the first being at the very beginning of the baseline test in study 1 and the second being at the guided portion of the study? Great job overall!
If I understand your question correctly, it makes sense for calm brainwaves peaks to spike once any of the meditations begin (since they are theoretically supposed to induce relaxation and high calm brainwave peak frequency indicate relaxation). The baseline condition is reflective of brainwaves before meditating, and operating in a relativley normal daily task, so there wouldn’t be a relaxation response as of yet. A neutral brainwave spike from baseline to the meditations suggests more relaxation than needed for active but not as enough for calm. Explanations for that could be the participant is slightly more preoccupied in baseline or not quite comfortable enough in the meditations.
I found your poster really interesting on how different sounds effect brainwave peaks and how meditations of silent, guided, and OM produced significant relaxation! I am curious as to what limitations you encountered in this study? Great work!
I thought this was a really interesting study especially for college kids now who typically have high stress. I wonder how the OM music would affect participants who do not meditate and if different music styles would relax them. How did you choose which guided meditation music to use on participants and was it the same for everyone? Great job!
I really enjoyed your thesis topic. I particularly liked learning how centering meditation can decrease levels of depression, anxiety and anger. It had never occurred to me that a particular phrase may be better to use than others when meditating. Because of your thesis I might just have to try meditating!!
In a time where not only college students, but people around the world are experiencing elevated stress and anxiety levels, I think mindfulness activities such as meditation are essential. Providing evidence to show that there is a true physiological response to any type of meditation would hopefully encourage people to begin or continue practicing this form of self-care. Well done!
In these stressful times of elevated stress, its very effective that science can back up these practices. Esp for countries or cultures where mental health is not taken into consideration and meditation is known to be a luxury than a general practice. One does not need to spend money only it can be achieved by practicing on ones own self too.