Trinity at 200: light up our third century!


All community members are invited to be part of a yearlong celebration kicking off on May 5, 2023. Since Trinity’s early years in the heart of Hartford, the college’s story has been and continues to be one of resilience, innovation, critical thinking, service, action, and pride. The people who have walked the Long Walk have brought energy into a world that is fueled by a liberal arts education. Our commitment to make this earth a better place has been true since 1823.

Come back to Summit Street. Gather your campus memories, and prepare to make new ones. Your story is that of this community, and it’s time we tell our communal story together. Connect with the people, places, and education that define who we are and our place in history.


Bicentennial Kickoff
May 5, 2023
The campus community caps off Honors Day 2023 by launching the  Bicentennial! Student performances, games, and activities, as well as food, music, and fireworks, make this a memorable festival.

Happy Charter Day
May 16, 2023
Mark Trinity’s official birthday—Charter Day—with a new tradition on campus and a digital celebration around the world.

Alumni Bicentennial Celebration
June 9–11, 2023
Calling all alumni! Return to campus for a once-in-a-lifetime celebration over the course of our traditional Reunion Weekend.

Bicentennial Symposia
June 9–10, 2023
November 14, 2023
February 28, 2024
The Bicentennial Symposia are designed by faculty, staff, students, and alumni to create intergenerational reflection and dialogue about our history, our identity, and our future. Attend in person or watch keynote talks online.

Bicentennial Fall Weekend
October 13–15, 2023
Alumni and families, come to campus for a combined Homecoming and Family Weekend celebration.

Bicentennial Gala
Saturday, May 11, 2024
A fundraising gala at the Connecticut Convention Center honoring the Trinity–Hartford connection closes out our Bicentennial celebration.

Committed to the future since 1823


The 1823 Series community events are free and open to everyone.

1823 Athletic Contests*
Each varsity team is showcased with its history and a designated Bicentennial contest.

Cinestudio—Six Decades of Movies at Trinity
Love movies? A special series highlights one film from each decade that Cinestudio has been part of Trinity.

Bicentennial Carillon Concert and Picnic
Come back in July 2023 for a series of concerts, including a special Bicentennial program with food on Wednesday, July 12.

Regional Bicentennial Symposia and Events*
Join us for events in cities around the country.

*Dates and locations are to be announced.


We are looking for your best memories!

  • Which class/professor changed the trajectory of your life? Why?
  • What is your favorite place on campus? Why?
  • What is your best memory from the Main Quad?
  • Which student group/activity made a difference in your life? Why?

Send your memories to We may use your submission in future communications. Keep in mind that we reserve the right to edit for clarity, length, grammar, and appropriateness of content.

Visit for more information.