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Community Facilitators


The Community Facilitators run our weekly meetings and meet with our staff adviser. They oversee the application process and the housing lottery, and generally try to promote the well-being of the community.

Event Coordinators


The Event Coordinators are in charge of leading the committee created for each weekly event, and helping to plan and run the event. They’re in charge of making sure everyone on the committee knows what to do and do anything to help make the event a success.

Bonding Coordinator


Responsible for promoting the general well-being of the community itself by planning activities and events for its residents as well as generally trying to promote friendships within the community.

Advertising Coordinator


Creates fliers for all official events and makes sure they get out to flyer volunteers every week. They are in charge of all other forms of social media advertising.



Takes notes at weekly meetings and sends them to Fred members, updates the constitution, and makes sure that the community upholds it.



In charge of the money. They keep the Fred informed about how much is left in the budget and help the community plan accordingly. The treasurer is also responsible for submitting receipts, so anyone who wants to get reimbursed must go to him or her.

Calendar Coordinator


The Calendar Coordinator is the person to go to if you want to use the common room. They keep track of who’s using it when and post the physical calendar (located in the common room).

Alumni Liaison


The Alumni liaison is in charge of keeping the alumni in touch with what’s going on at the Fred, and vice versa. They are also responsible for organizing events during Homecoming and other alumni reunion events.

Groups Liaison


The Group Liaison promotes the groups and is responsible for keeping track of how the groups are doing and helping them wherever needed.

Space Coordinator


The Space Coordinator is responsible for upholding the Fred common areas such as our fifth and sixth floor common rooms, our kitchens, and our main common room. Each semester, the Space Coordinator will complete a clean up project for one of the common spaces and is also responsible for the Fred Do It Day.

Resident Assistants

This is not a Fred elected position.


If you have any questions please contact thefred.trincoll@gmail.com

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