
The Trinity College Computer Science Department hosted an “Hour of Code” event in the Mather Hall Terrace Rooms during Common Hour on December 10, in celebration of Computer Science Education Week (December 7-13). With no prior coding experience needed, all Trinity students, faculty, and staff members were invited to bring their laptops to join the “Hour of Code” movement. The event included food, raffle prizes, and more. Pictured above are Nku Patrick ’19, Tyler Wrenn ’19, and Brian Cieplicki ’19. To see more photos of Trinity’s “Hour of Code,” please click here.
Hour of Code” is a global learning movement that offers a one-hour introduction to computer science designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. Nearly 137 million people have participated in more than 180 countries. According to Pauline Lake ’13, teaching consultant for the Mobile CSP Project in Trinity’s Computer Science Department, on the same day as the “Hour of Code,” President Obama signed into law the “Every Student Succeeds Act,” which adds computer science to the list of “well-rounded education” subjects. In Connecticut, all public schools will be required to offer computer programming courses as of July 2016. For more information about “Hour of Code,” please visit https://hourofcode.com/us.