Trinity College - Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin - May 4, 2016

Luke Bronin (center), Mayor of Hartford, alongside Trinity students and Trinity President Joanne Berger-Sweeney, discussing ways that Trinity can be a part of Hartford’s continued growth.

“Trinity is a world class institution and a critically important part of the community,” Bronin said. “I appreciate everything [President Joanne Berger-Sweeney] has done so far to strengthen the ties between Trinity and the city. There are a lot of exciting things happening in Hartford. We’re seeing a delayed revitalization of downtown. We also have some enormous challenges. The City should be the economic and cultural heart of this region of one million people. It also has to be a city where any resident needs to feel they have a stake in Hartford’s rise. Trinity adds to the intellectual life of the city, and the cultural strengths of the city. We want students to get even more involved in the city – even things as simple as coming off campus more often. Coming downtown, spending time in our neighborhoods. I’d love to see Trinity students out more, exploring and being a part of the city. Take advantage of internship opportunities, volunteer. That Trinity brainpower is very important to Hartford’s revitalization. There is no end to the ways in which Trinity students can get involved. This is a critical moment of opportunity for Hartford. This is a great city with enormous potential. We are the heart of this region, and we need to continue to work to make Hartford as vibrant and interesting as possible, and I look forward to working with students and the institution of Trinity.”