Jazz DJ Information

DJ Information Show Details
Rick “The Kid” Casciano
The Other Side Of Jazz
Heard in the AM & PM as a substitute
Take a trip through the many flavors of
jazz. All styles, all artists are explored
and not ignored.
Mike Darr
Mike In The Morning
Currently on Wednesday 6 AM to 9 AM
From the old to the new.
Lots of music with featured sets
during this 3 hours of great sounds.
Andy DeRocco
The Dean’s Den
Currently on Wednesday 3 PM to 6 PM
The Dean holds class every show.
Lots of great jazz straight and true
with lots of great information.
Dr. Love
PM Jazz
Currently on Tuesday 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM
Smooth Jazz and R&B
Let The Dr. take care of your ills.
Stan “The Porpoise” Kaminski
The Far Side of Jazz
Currently on Thursday 4:40 PM to 6 PM
Reaching back to the fusion of the 70’s and
80’s up to the 90’s. Be prepared for the
vintage vinyl from that period.
Cornell Lewis
Jazz Odyssey
Heard in the AM & PM as a substitute
The Odyssey is always Straight ahead.
Explores new and classic artists.
Kevin McCabe
AM Jazz
Currently on Monday 6 AM to 9 AM
Features contemporary and R&B flavored
jazz. Always a surprise or two and a drive time
special set with a featured artist.
Dick McDonough
PM Jazz
Currently on Tuesday 3 PM to 4:30 PM
Mr. Straight Ahead!! Classics and Sinatra, How
can you go wrong!
Chet McPhee
Sunrise Serenade
Currently on Friday 6 AM to 9 AM
A mixed bag of music and wit with the Big
Bands always prominent. The 7:15 AM
special is legendary.
John Mertens
PM Jazz
Heard in the AM  &  PM as a substitute
Straight and great. Mixture and themes
Bob Parzych
Kitchen Sink Of Jazz
Currently on Monday 3 PM to 6 PM
The show that will play anything. It’s
Chet’s Corner, the New Music set, the
Voices set and 5 o’clock Special.
Jim Roche
Hot House of Jazz
Heard in the AM & PM as a substitute
Many classic styles from Big Band to
Swing. Always a surprise with an accent on
the old and new.
Sean Roche
AM or PM Jazz
Heard in the AM & PM as a substitute
Featuring Jazz Combos,
artists from around the world, and funk.
Mostly upbeat music with less emphasis on vocalists
Wes Krech
PM Jazz
Heard in the PM as a substitute
Always a different twist from Wes.  May hear the
classics or some of the contemporary jam bands.
Stay tune for a surprise
PM Jazz
Heard in the PM as a substitute
Brings a lady’s touch to genre.  Loves vocals and
plays all the latest releases.
Jackie & Dewayne
City Lights

Dewayne on Sunday from 10 PM to 2 PM & Jackie on Thursday 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM

They ARE smooth Jazz.  Know the music and the
artists.  One of the first to play this genre of Jazz.
You are always in for a treat!

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