Creating Campus Communities Where All Students Thrive

Upcoming Events

Our 2024 CHAS Representatives Conference is dedicated to the memory of Eric Estes, and will be hosted by Occidental College.

Skidmore College will be hosting the next CHAS Student of Color Leadership Conference, April 4-6, 2025.

Founded in 2000, as the oldest consortium of liberal arts colleges and universities in the US with a specific focus on student of color achievement, the Consortium on High Achievement and Success (CHAS) envisions a higher education landscape where institutions create and sustain the conditions for students of color to reach the highest levels of intellectual achievement, personal growth, and professional development.

Over the years, our scope has expanded — evolving into a platform for peer learning, networking, and professional development opportunities, aimed at advancing strategies to better support and retain students, faculty and staff of color at member institutions. CHAS member institutions are committed to cultivating environments that support the thriving of every member of our campus communities.

CHAS is financially supported by member institutions and generously hosted by Trinity College, in Hartford, Connecticut. If your institution is interested in joining CHAS, please contact us.