The presented map is on the Maximum Density for Multifamily Housing, in units per acre, in municipalities in the greater Hartford area. This map demonstrates how many multifamily housing units can be built in the spans of about one acre. In some municipalities like East Hartford, large amounts of multifamily housing units can be built. In the case of East Hartford, 87.12 units can be built in one acre of land. The municipalities in the lightest shade of blue represent the smallest number of multifamily housing units that can be built in one acre, which is ranged from 0 to 25 units. The ranges from lowest number of units to largest are 0-25 units (shaded in the lightest blue), 25-50 units, 50-75 units, and 75-100 units (shaded in the darkest blue). The units shaded in red do not allow multifamily housing in their area.